Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Cultural Issues Faced by Operation Managers in Global Environment Essay

Cultural Issues Faced by Operation Managers in Global Environment - Essay Example Operation management can be defined as the structure, operation and systems improvement that establish and deliver the major products and services of an organization. Global operation managers face several ethical problems in organizations. For an example, ethical issues related to workplace diversity can create huge problem for the operation managers in global business environment (Miller 741). These workplace diversity issues can create huge tension in the workplace. This can ultimately affect the business productivity of an organization. If an organization tries to transform from a homogeneous organizational culture to diverse workplace culture then the old or senior employees of the organization can oppose this process. It can affect the workplace environment. Therefore, it is important for the operation managers to set team goals and values before implementing this workplace diversification process. It is true that several global organizations are suffering from critical ethical issues. These issues are affecting the business process of an organization. Increasing green house gas emission and lack of sustainable business practices are creating huge challenge for the organizations. The governments are trying to implement several environmental ethical codes for the organizations to reduce the emission of deadly green house gases. On the other hand, the organizations are trying to avoid these policies in order to maximize business profits.

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